Device visualisation of SAP CX AI Toolkit

SAP CX AI Toolkit

Empower your sales, service, and e-commerce teams with proactive and contextual generative AI.

Automate repetitive tasks and analyse enterprise data with trusted AI

Give your sales, service, and e-commerce teams access to AI from the platforms they use every day through a standalone app and Joule. You can combine business data with AI models to create more efficient teams and deliver exceptional experiences.

With SAP CX AI Toolkit, you can access new AI capabilities using a standalone app and the Joule copilot. Combine your business data with proprietary AI models and large language models to deliver exceptional experiences.

  • Cloud deployment
  • Preconfigured integrations for SAP applications
  • Data privacy controls, PII masking, and consent management

Customer Experience (CX) Webcast

Bye-bye boring: IDC data shows a path for CX to stand out in a sea of sameness.

Key benefits

Gain insights from enterprise data

Apply AI models to data from sales, service, and e-commerce, along with operational data, to help your teams make more intelligent decisions.

Access anywhere

Enable your teams to use AI to automate routine tasks from right where they work using a stand-alone app or Joule.

Drive efficiency and effectiveness

Understand customers and answer their questions faster with proactive insights and answers derived from enterprise data.

Key features


For e-commerce teams

  • Extract and enrich product tags with image and text-based attributes to improve search and product recommendations
  • Generate compelling product descriptions based on images, tags, and attributes to increase conversion
  • Enhance product discoverability with visual search capabilities for your customers

For sales teams

  • Let AI identify and answer questions in customer communications so salespeople can focus on building relationships
  • Combine CX business data with customer data to generate AI summaries for customers, accounts, cases, and opportunities
  • Use AI tools to draft prospecting e-mails and prepare for discovery calls, making salespeople more efficient and effective

For service teams

  • Identify questions in service cases and respond to customers quicker and more effectively
  • View customer profile summaries that include sentiment and the next best actions to understand the customer more thoroughly during service interactions
  • Use AI tools to generate customer responses and write case overviews to align internal teams on customer issues and paths to resolution



The power of personalisation and proactive insights

Learn about SAP's AI strategy with President and Chief Product Officer for SAP Industries and Customer Experience Ritu Bhargava. We explore how our deep industry knowledge and use of customer data are driving a responsible, relevant, and reliable approach to AI.


Transforming customer experiences with AI

Walk through a customer journey – from finding a product to proactive support and personalised campaigns. We look at how your business can use AI to streamline operations and delight customers.

Technical information

Installation and setup

Follow these setup instructions so you can start running your SAP software quickly and confidently.


Optimise the configuration of SAP products with our comprehensive configuration guide.


Find out how you can integrate SAP products with your existing IT landscape.

Data security

Help protect confidentiality and data integrity.

Business process security

Support compliance with regulatory requirements.

Risk and threat mitigation

Drive continuous improvement across your operations.

Cloud delivery options

Enable a smooth transformation while meeting security and compliance requirements.

Get started

Jump-start your implementation and drive ROI by collabourating with industry experts, consultants, and support engineers throughout your journey.


Transform your business quickly and effectively by taking advantage of our holistic service and support plans, expert consulting services, custom application development, proven best practices, and deep industry and technical knowledge.


Help keep your SAP solutions running at peak performance with our IT experts and support services, including long-term plans, embedded teams, remote technology support, self-service portal, and innovation strategies.